Astrology of the Soul

A Brief run-down of what makes me me - one soul amongst millions of souls, shining our lights and working through our traumas, all remarkably, beautifully and poignantly different in our alikeness.....

 *Generation Pluto in Virgo. 8th House Pluto, Scorpio Soul

* South Node in the 3rd House, North Node in the 9th on the Aries-Libra axis

* Born on a full moon at 22degs Taurus 5th

* Fixed Grand Cross

*Uranus in the 8th House 21 degs Leo opposing chiron in the 2nd

*Saturn in Capricorn in the 1st

*Mars in Scorpio, Venus in Libra

*Sagittarian ascendant conjunct mercury in the 12th house

*Jupiter in Sag in the 12th