

ClayEscapes is a chance to enjoy the wonderful habit of relaxing whilst you play or work with clay.

Pottery has been a key part of my life and has helped me through many anxious times, offering an escape from every day worries for long enough to get some perspective back, or just to take some respite. Clay is a wonderfully grounding medium and can benefit us all when we are in our happiest times as well as in our more worrying ones and has often made me with a heightened gratitude for every day life. It is well known that creativity can boost our mood, relieve stress and improve self confidence.

At Clay Escapes you will have a chance to make something of your very own from clay. You will be given the choice of two types of good quality stoneware clay to work with, all the tools you will need to enable you to make slab, pinch pot or coiled items. You will have access to decorative options such as stamps, rollers and moulds, oxides and underglazes, and an unusually wide selection of medium and high fire glazes to finish off your creation.

Clay escapes is not an art course or class. It is a chance to informally make something of your choice and at your own pace. You will be offered a selection of builds which you could mimic and modify, and you will be given guidance and advice (should you want it) if you are a ceramics novice. Alternatively you will be completely free to go your own way, again with someone on hand to offer advice on materials and build technique.

Initially we will be running a pilot scheme of 2 clay escape days running over the month. On the first day we will be making/decorating, and on the second day we will be decorating/glazing. Between the first and the second day your work will be bisque fired in readiness for day two. After day two your work will be put through its final firing in readiness for you to collect and take home.

The cost of each day is £48.00 and will include all materials and firing costs, as well as tea and coffee during the day and a light soup and salad type lunch. The days will run from 10 till 4. There will be a limit placed on the size of your creation which would be roughly 25cms x 15cms. Anything outside of this may require a dedicated firing schedule and incur extra cost.


Just to say…. We are very excited to offer this! Let’s see how it goes and grows 😊


I am proposing to run our first ClayEscape workshops on Sunday April 16th for the making day and Sunday May 14th for the glazing day. Please email me at to register your interest and make your subject “ClayEscapes”. The places will be offered on a first come-first served basis. We will be making coiled vases for your spring flowers, or you can pot free-form of course.